One Extra Note On Snowboard Lessons
An Excerpt From: “For The First-Timer Considering Skiing or Snowboarding”
Beginner snowboarding lessons will always start with ’skating.’ This is that awkward dance you seen snowboarders doing on flat ground with one foot strapped in, pushing themselves forward with their free foot.
The lessons start here because people need to know how to get on/off the chairlift safely, but it can be a very discouraging way to start, and will consume much of your first day of snowboarding lessons.
The good news is, this will get easier over time.
The bad news is, it will always feel awkward.
Just because you spend much of your first day awkwardly ’skating’ around on a bunny slope and struggling to get off chair lifts, stick with it. Great riders are still often awkward skaters, and the more you progress in riding, the better you’ll skate over time.
Stick. With. It.